Friday, October 16, 2009

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(CNN) -- Laura Fattal rolls a piece of Scotch tape, attaching a picture of her son and his two friends to a cardboard box. Her calm demeanor doesn't give away the gravity of the situation and the reason why she's in a New York hotel room with two other mothers.
Cindy Hickey, from left, Nora Shourd and Laura Fattal go to New York City to visit the Iranian mission.

Cindy Hickey, from left, Nora Shourd and Laura Fattal go to New York City to visit the Iranian mission.

Laura, Nora Shourd and Cindy Hickey have been brought together because their children have been held in Iran since July 31. They have had no contact with their families.

The mothers have put their lives on hold to get them freed.

"We are missing our kids very much," says Fattal.

Hickey adds, "We're moms, these are our kids ... We have to be strong, we have to be grounded, and we have to do what needs to be done."

The women decided what needed to be done was make a direct appeal through the Iranian mission in New York. To do that, they printed out petitions containing 2,500 signatures.
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